
Thursday 14 May 2015

I fell three times!

Who has been to Paradise ice skating in Botany before?
On a sunny bright Sunday, my uncle came to pick up my two brothers, Soane, and Sione and I to go to Paradise ice skating rink in Botany near Pakaranga for my cousin's brithday. 

When we got there, we took off our seat belt and got out of thee car. We saw some ice right away. My two brothers, uncle and I felt it and stepped on it. It was slippery and as white as a blank piece of paper. Once we were inside, we lined up behind other people in line. My cousin saw us and she told us to wait as she went to call my auntie. Then my auntie opened the entry door and she told us  to go inside because she is going to pay later for our tickets. We walked inside and it was freezing cold. So we all had our jumpers on.

When we went to the brithday room. I saw the brithday girl. It was my cousin. Then my auntie gave  us a ticket so we could go and get us our ice skating shoes. I was a size 4, my brother Soane's size was 3 and my little brother Sione had a size 2.

After we put on all our skating shoes, we pushed through a door so we could reach the ski field. It was slippery and I couldn't skate as well as my two brothers. A little while my cousin called all of us to go inside the room where the brithday party was held. There were a lot of candies and fizzy drinks. There was enough chairs for us kids. There was a box in front of all of us and inside it was packets of chips and nuggets for each one of us.

Then we sang "Happy brithday" so loud that I wouldn't be able to hear a tiger. After that, we ate and ate and ate. After we drank our fizzy drink my auntie said, "Who's going to skate now?" and all of us said, "Me!" We all stood up and walked to the ice field. I fell for the first time. When I fell, my bottom was sore and the ice was very cold as the coldest plant, Pluto. However I got up and had another go. I tried to help my little brother, Sione but I couldn't push him onto the frame to  help us skate, I couldn't push him because I didn't know how to skate either and I found it hard to push him so my older cousin came and pushed him for me because she knew how to skate.

I practised and practised and practised until I improved. Soane knew how to skate properly and a few hours later Sione learnt how to skate as well, followed by Filipo and then all my cousin picked it up. We didn't need the frame but we wanted to hold onto the frame for extra stability. Soon we were doing some drifting and some tricks. I had to keep on eye on my little brother because my parents didn't come to my cousin's brithday. We spent 6 hours at Paradise ice skating rink. 

I enjoyed my day at Paradise ice skating rink. It was a very entertaining exercise for my feet. It was tricky at first but the key was 'Practice.' 

WALT use descriptive language in our writing.
Success Criteria: I can do this when I use similes, verbs and adverbs to make my writing more interesting.

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