
Thursday 14 December 2017

Monday 11 December 2017

Jesus Christ's Birth!

WALHT: Understand Christ's coming in history and how he comes today.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Preparing for the coming!

- This image links to Advent because they are waiting for the coming of christ patiently. It also reminds me that as they wait they look into the dark sky and up to the stars and think about the preparation of the coming. As they prepare, they have special celebrations which is decorated with christmas lights and trees.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

How do you prepare for the Coming Of Christ?

WALHT: Recognise that Advent is a time when people prepare for the Coming Of Christ.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Religious Education!

WALHT: Identify how the soul is created by Te Atua.

Monday 13 November 2017

Communion Of Saints!

WALHT: Group and classify examples that relates to each of the four dimensions of the human body and soul.

These gift enables me to be a person who is intelligent built and can be the best they can be.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Thursday 31 August 2017

Advertisement of Jesus

Walht: incorporate the qualities that Jesus would look for in an apostle to continue spreading the word of God today.
We are Christians!

Teacher wanted!

Loving and courageous
I am looking for a teacher who is trusting, affectionate, kind and considerate to teach young and old people how to show equality and patience. They must treat them with respect no matter what age, race or gender. This teacher must always be truthful and knowledgeable about the word of God and the many parables of Jesus used and be able to use these to continue his work in our world today.

God be with you!

Monday 28 August 2017

Fires in the wild

I am currently reading a nonfiction book about Fires in Forests.  After reading the first part of the book I completed the following Cause and Effects Chart to demonstrate my understanding.

Ignites dead grass
Flan Flames
Convective Heat
The branches overhead start to burn.
Oil in leaves
Make the fire burn fiercely.

Phenomena- A fact or situation that occurs to exist or happens.
Diverse- To use a different way or strategy to end something from happening.

The next chapter talks about different ways and strategies of ending fires from spreading and putting others live in danger.

Fire- Fighting strategies
Fuel- Remove the fuel, and the oxygen has nothing to react with. The fire dies.
Oxygen- Remove the oxygen, and the fuel molecules have nothing to react with. The fire dies.
Heat- Remove the heat, and the fuel cannot break down into active molecules. The fire dies.
Retardant- Add a retardant to fire- fighting water, and the water will soak deeply into fuel. The fire dies.

Personification= The likening of human characteristics to things and ideas.

After school in Tonga!

Today the article that I read, was about children that helps their parents after school in Tonga. In the article it gives us images with short phrases in Tongan that describes what the children in the image is about as they give us an idea of what they do to help their parents after school. As we compared the children in Tonga and New Zealand we can see the different types of strategies children in New Zealand are able to co-operate with their parents to make their living clean and tidy at home after school.

WALHT: Identify the differences and similarities between Tonga and New Zealand.

Skateboard Parks for Flat-roof buildings!

Skateboard Parks for Flat-roof buildings

Initial Ideas
  • In my opinion  this idea is very dangerous and risk taking.
  • It can cause serious conditions.
  • Kids can fall off.
  • Pushed over.
  • Kids/ adults can die.

Main Issue
A- Flat-top roofs are good for collecting garbage.
B- Spaces on flat-top roofs should be utilised as skateboard parks.

From my perspective, A is the right answer because having a flat-top roof with skateboard parks is very dangerous and risk taking because children can be in serious condition or dies either by falling over the fence (it is very short) or skating over it by accident.

  • If skateboarder knew they could skateboard on the shop roofs, they would not be ducking and diving in and out of pedestrians, doing ollies and manuals and spins and grinds.

Fact or Opinion

  • Many people live in apartment buildings where the huge space on top is empty- underutilized.
  • A skateboard park on the roof would be great for skateboarders who live in buildings.
  • Many people live in apartment buildings where the huge space on top is  empty- underutilized.
  • A skateboard park on the roof would be very dangerous and can cause serious conditions with low fences.

Summary- For and Against

Flat top roofs should not be used as skateboard parks.
Arguments that supports the statement.
Arguments against the statement.
  • Spaces in towns and cities are being gobbled up.
  • Too much ruckus of wheels on roof.
  • Skateboarders can’t concentrate on busy roads.
  • Skateboarders shouldn’t be on roads and there are skate parks located everywhere.
  • Flat-top roofs have bigger spaces for a skateboard parks.
  • Flat-top roofs shouldn’t be for skateboard parks because it isn’t a place to skate and it is very dangerous children will be in serious conditions.

Wednesday 2nd of August 2017

Manoeuvres- The fact or process  of taking carefully planned deceptive action.
Ridicule- Subject to contemptuous and dismissive language or behaviour.
Irritated- Very annoyed and disturbed.
Underutilised- Underused (something)
Unbearable- Not able to be endured or tolerated. (Unacceptable)
Unthinkable-  Too unlikely or desirable to be considered to make a possibility.
Inexpensive- Not costing a great big deal.

Implemented- Put ( decision, plan, etc) into effect.

Speak your mind!

Bungee jumping is a stunt act- not a sport


WALHT: Use the information in the context to use our own perspective about bungee jumping.

Arguments that support the statement
Arguments against the statement
Bungee jumping does not require skills or extensive training like a most sports.
Bungee Jumping requires skills like most sports played.
Most sports involve an element of competition….
Bungee jumping is over so quickly there is no time for team competition.
Most sports involve an element of competition so we can overcome our fear from heights and bungee jumping.
Expert stunt actor Sam Nelson describes bungee jumping as a stunt act.
It is a stunt act because it is an achievable sport that can be accomplished very quickly which enables people to challenge themselves to overcome their fear.

Defining Words

Horrendous- Petrifying & scared
Hurtling- Move or cause great speed, Run, Rush
Terminal- Closing, End, Concluding, final
Velocity- Speed, Pace, Rapidity
Acrobatic- Performing, Involving, feats
Elastic- Stretchy, Gravity
Derived- Obtain, Get, Take
Competitive- Competition, Challenging,

Unison- simultaneous performance of action or utterance of speech.

Neighbourhood Niggles

 WALHT: Identify the actions and consequences in the article.

Friday 18 August 2017

Fire in the wild!

I am currently reading a nonfiction book about Fires in Forests.  After reading the first part of the book I completed the following Cause and Effects Chart to demonstrate my understanding.

Ignites dead grass
Flan Flames
Convective Heat
The branches overhead start to burn.
Oil in leaves
Make the fire burn fiercely.

Phenomena- A fact or situation that occurs to exist or happens.
Diverse- To use a different way or strategy to end something from happening.

The next chapter talks about different ways and strategies of ending fires from spreading and putting others live in danger.

Fire- Fighting strategies
Fuel- Remove the fuel, and the oxygen has nothing to react with. The fire dies.
Oxygen- Remove the oxygen, and the fuel molecules have nothing to react with. The fire dies.
Heat- Remove the heat, and the fuel cannot break down into active molecules. The fire dies.
Retardant- Add a retardant to fire- fighting water, and the water will soak deeply into fuel. The fire dies.

Personification= The likening of human characteristics to things and ideas.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Scripture Connect

WALHT: Use scripture references as an example of Jesus showing a variety of ways of teaching.  

Scripture Reference
Teaching Characteristic
Matthew 5:1-11
On a mountain
Clear message for people to think about
Mark 2:1-2
Jesus healed paralysed man.
Mark 4: 1-2
Teaching and telling parables and stories to persuade the people to listen to his teaching.
Mark 1:21-28
He performed a miracle to drive out an impure spirit out of a man.
Luke 7:36-50
At a Pharisee’s house.
He was anointed by a sinful women.
Luke 24: 13 - 35
On the road to Emmaus.
He spread the good news of God.

The Assumption of Mary!

Assumption of Mary

Image result for assumption for Mary for children

Father in Heaven,
All creation rightly gives you praise,
For all life and all holiness comes from you.
In the plan of your wisdom
She who bore the christ her womb,
Was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in Heaven.
May we follow your example in reflecting your holiness.
And her hymn of endless love and praise.

We ask this through christ our Lord

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Body Boarding Merc 2017

At Merc 12 students were so eager to immerse themselves in the water to face the challenge of bodyboarding for the first time and to get themselves covered in goosebumps. Bodyboarding can be an addiction for young and old people who enjoy being in water especially children like me and my friends.

Whistle instructions were given out, the first whistle- stop look, listen and the sound of  2 whistles signaling that it was necessary to evacuate the water immediately and the listen closely and quickly to follow the instructions given out by the instructor. It is essential to listen to what instructions that were given out so that we knew what to do id and when a rare emergency occurred.

The water was freezing at first but it turned out to be warm after all the movements that made from the activity were accomplished. After instructions were given out by the instructor, it was time to catch some waves. It was confusing at first because we expected to be given lessons but, instead, it was about using the knowledge about swimming within the waves and enjoying our day at Merc- Long Bay. It was difficult to go through the waves because of the force as they crashed into the shore and quickly spread and became calm.  It was like the heavy tunnels of waves that had challenged each rider had not happened.

As the petrifying waves formed, riders quickly and impatiently jumped on top of their bodyboards to swim with it. Squeals of excitement filled the air, the water was so cold and it felt like sliding across the ice. Everyone wore wetsuits, fortunately, which kept the riders warm. For some of the children in room 8, it was a challenge something they have never tried in their lives before and they overcame their own fears of being around enormous waves. For most, it was their first time to have the chance to swim with waves like swimming with dolphins.

Our instructor, while being in the water, kept an eye out for any possible rips in the water because it can be very dangerous and they can be located anywhere at the beach. It can be near or far and can lead to people being pulled down under the water.

Instead of swimming or going on top of waves, many riders immersed themselves under waves, diving and then coming up with the waves  rolling over their heads and sliding off their backs. Waves passed and carried the riders back to shore, whistle instructions were blown out and bodyboarding was over.

Everyone had a great time and for many, it was their first time experiencing bodyboarding, all riders look forward to doing bodyboarding again.

A snap shot of excitement Merc 2017